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Crafting an Effective Advocate Recruitment Strategy: Insights and Inspiration from the brand Woven Nook
Crafting an Effective Advocate Recruitment Strategy: Insights and Inspiration from the brand Woven Nook
Libby Serra avatar
Written by Libby Serra
Updated over a week ago

Establishing a successful advocacy program requires a thoughtful recruitment strategy. A robust approach not only kickstarts your program on the right foot but also ensures sustained growth, particularly for open program types. This article offers valuable tips on recruiting the right advocates for your program, along with a compelling example from Woven Nook, an online home decor brand that has mastered the art of advocate recruitment.

Recruitment Strategies:

  1. Publish an Application on Your Website:

    1. Utilize platforms like Roster to create a custom application.

    2. Streamline the onboarding process for potential advocates.

  2. Dedicated Email to Past Customers:

    1. Directly engage with your existing customer base.

    2. Extend personalized invitations to apply or join the advocacy program.

  3. Post Purchase Email:

    1. Embed a dedicated email in your automated post-purchase email flow.

    2. Time the email strategically, capitalizing on the initial excitement of receiving the product.

  4. Email Newsletter Banner:

    1. Design an evergreen recruitment banner for inclusion in newsletters.

    2. Ensure a continuous stream of applicants with minimal effort.

  5. Social Media Posts:

    1. Leverage a strong brand community on social media.

    2. Announce the program, encouraging followers to apply.

  6. Packaging Insert:

    1. Include a special invite in product shipments.

    2. Utilize QR codes or direct links to simplify the application process.

  7. Variety is Key:

    1. Employ a combination of recruitment methods for optimal results.

    2. Leverage the versatility of different channels to reach diverse audiences.

  8. Check Out Our Recruitment Guide:

    1. Explore templates for diverse recruitment methods.

    2. Customize strategies to align with your brand's unique identity.

Brand Example Woven Nook

Woven Nook exemplifies a successful advocate recruitment strategy, employing a variety of methods to ensure a continuous influx of advocates with minimal team effort.

Program Overview:

  • An ongoing ambassadorship open to all customers who apply.

  • Access to personal and shareable discounts, and participation in campaigns.

Joel Reichart, CEO of Woven Nook and MavenThread, Shares Insights:

  • "Our customers are our biggest advocates."

  • The program is consistent, with continual growth through regular recruitment efforts.

Recruitment Strategies at Woven Nook:

  1. Dedicated Email to All Customers:

    1. Simple recruitment emails sent to subscribed customers.

  2. Email Newsletter Banner:

    1. Inclusion of a banner in email newsletters linked to the application page.

  3. Social Media Posts:

    1. Regular posts on Instagram and IG Stories, driving traffic to the application page.


  • Significant revenue growth observed in a short period.

  • Positive feedback from customers engaged in the program.


Learn from Woven Nook's success and tailor your advocate recruitment strategy to your brand's unique identity. By implementing a diverse range of recruitment methods and consistently engaging your customer base, you can build a thriving advocacy program that contributes to both brand loyalty and revenue growth.

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