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Tips for Recruiting Ambassadors
Libby Serra avatar
Written by Libby Serra
Updated over a year ago

If you are starting your program from scratch and looking to recruit ambassadors, be sure to read these best practices!

For awesome recruiting templates to use for your own brand, CLICK HERE.

Ambassador Inbound Form:

First and foremost, it is essential to the success of your program that you publish your application on your website in a very easy-to-find spot. Most brands will put a link in their footer “Become an Ambassador.” This will ensure that people on your site will organically find out about the program and apply! When both proactively or reactively recruiting, it’s a great resource to direct people to fill out the form, which will create a profile for them in Roster. To host the application on your website you can find the embedded code when you are in the Programs tab and editing your application form.

On your application page, add a description highlighting some of the perks and expectations of an ambassador so they have some understanding of what they’re applying for. (see example here)

Other Recruiting Strategies:

Highlight your ambassador program in the following ways/places:

  • On your thank you page after a customer completes a purchase provide the link to apply to your ambassador program

  • Highlight your ambassador program in an upcoming newsletter and also include it in the footer of your future newsletters

  • Add a link in the footer of your website

  • Write a blog article about your ambassador program and link to it in other blog articles

  • Add to your contact page

  • On your about page share the perks to joining your program

  • Promote on your brand's social media channels and even pin it to your pages

**The more strategies you implement, the more applications you will have to choose from!

For Larger/Macro Influencers:

If you see some big names in your network that you’re excited about, think about how you want to approach them and how you might want to collaborate with them. Do you just want to surprise them with free product and a nice handwritten note? Do you want to discuss a paid partnership? Do you want to invite them to participate in a campaign? Whatever it may be, be intentional and considerate when contacting them…

  • Try a combo of Direct Messages and Emails (use both methods and reference in your DM “I sent you an email earlier today but wanted to connect…”

  • Be sure to customize your messages to larger influencers so it doesn't look like they are receiving a templated message (you definitely won’t get a response from them with a template)

  • Make sure your offer is enticing to them… depending on their size they might have hundreds of brands reaching out weekly!

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